Origin of Acupuncture in Holistic Healing
Acupuncture is one of the fundamental elements of Traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM. Traditional Chinese Medicine is the world’s oldest holistic healing system and has been used to treat illnesses of all kinds for over four thousand years. An integral part of TCM’s philosophy is proactive and curative care. In other words, as practitioners, we are focused on getting to the root of existing ailments to cure patients.
What is it?
Acupuncture uses small needles inserted at specific points to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. These points are on energetic pathways, called meridians, that run through the entire body, including muscles, organs and tissues. Utilizing these points kickstarts the healing process for a vast array of ailments.
Does it hurt?
You may feel the needles being inserted, but that should be nothing more than a small pinch. Some people don’t feel the needles going in at all! Generally, acupuncture treatments are pretty relaxing, so if there’s something that is keeping you from getting comfortable during treatment, just let your practitioner know.
What does it treat?
- Inflammation
- Relieves pain
- Regulates the nervous system
- Improves mental functions
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Sports Injuries
- Fertility and Women’s Health
- Digestive Disorders
- Immunity
- Mental Health
- Headaches
- And many other things!